Tuesday, August 27, 2013


This quote could not have popped up at a better time!
I have been having several moments lately of self doubt and frustration.
Being patient is not exactly easy for me, or anyone I think. So when I finally realized that I have to accept the process for being slow-I remind myself that I am doing it right and healthy.
This morning I did Barry's Bootcamp. I throw it into the mix here and there to change things up and shock the body. I always feel awesome when its over, but not so awesome during. I was mentally battling myself when I woke up this morning, because I REALLY didn't want to go. But, Courtney Paul at Barry's Bootcamp Tribeca really motivated me, and somehow made me believe I could do way more than I thought I could, especially this morning. Plus, I have really had to push my self to train for the half marathon.
When you have a moment of self doubt or frustration, remember the quote above and take pride in all that you have accomplished thus far. For that is truly something to be proud of!!
Also, take pride in knowing how much more you are capable of accomplishing!
Have a great day!

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