Monday, September 23, 2013


This past weekend was quite eventful to say the least. I celebrated my birthday at Soul Cycle union square with my friends and then completed the weekend with my Run10Feed10 10K race. Both events came with their own challenges, and I think that I feel most proud of myself for overcoming these challenges.

I took Jolie's class, and her class is really difficult. You have to be 100% on your game in her class. The studio randomly moved me up to the front row, and instead of calling and disputing it I accepted it as a great fear to overcome. Turns out I got such a rush in the front row and probably had one of my best classes/workouts ever. I think the fact that my friends were there supporting me really helped.

As for my race, I felt completely pumped up and significantly more confidant than the year before. I think it was comforting to know what to expect. However, anytime I start a run no matter how far I plan to go whether its 1 mile or 10 miles I find that the first steps are the most difficult. Then I realized around mile 4 yesterday, that I had to share this thought in my blog. (that's also where I feel I finally found my stride!) This feeling of being worried to start related to everything in life. ?Yesterday, the thoughts going through my mind throughout the entire first mile was, "what the hell was I thinking?!" I started off in the front his time around with people that run 7 minute miles. To my benefit believe it or not I ran my fastest mile ever because subconsciously I was trying to keep up. Then I had to really focus on finding my pace. But, it never fails that those first few steps and miles are always a challenge for me.

I'm most definitely at a point in my life where I want to start new things! Whether its knitting a fisherman sweater project that I have been dying to start or the French classes I have been dying to take to learn the language and meet new people, its all about the START and overcoming the dread and worry.

I also learned how lucky I was that my friends and family committed to being there for me this weekend. This was not an easy venture signing up for that particular time slot at soul and they made a point of doing there best. And of course my parents were at the finish line cheering me on as always!
I am so thankful!

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