Serious motivation!!
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Friday, December 13, 2013
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
I found this on one of my favorite blogs, fitsugar, and had to share-ENJOY and comment/like if you totally get it!
Of course, you've heard of seitan, tempeh, and tofu — who hasn't?
Source: NBC
You eat kale for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.
This is how you feel when you walk into a health food store.
Source: Camelot Pictures
You think eating enriched flour should be a punishable crime.
You feel sad for unhealthy eaters.
Source: AMC
Keep reading for more reasons you're a health nut.Eat fast food? You'd rather stick your hand in your NutriBullet.
Your fridge is 90 percent produce.
Grocery shopping can be truly traumatic and take well over an hour since you read every. Single. Label.
At dinner parties, you show up with gluten-free crackers, kale chips, and homemade hummus.
There's nothing you won't put in a smoothie.
You've tried going vegetarian, vegan, raw, gluten-free, and macrobiotic at least once, and this is your signature phrase.
You use the words "organic" and "food" interchangeably.
When you're stressed, you emotionally eat broccoli.
Saturday, December 7, 2013
I apologize for neglecting my blog!!
The past month and a half I would say has been been really busy and action packed. I moved into a new apartment, so between dealing with that and the holidays, its been a little crazy around here. Also my browser was giving me a hard time, but i fixed it!!
So to share some stellar news...I have made some big decisions for the up coming year. After watching the ING marathon in November I felt so inspired and like i was missing out. As a result, I joined New York Road Runners and plan to do the 9+1 program in 2014 to receive a guaranteed entry for 2015! I applied for the lottery to get in, but i wont know about that until March!
In the mean time, and most importantly i think, I am signing up for the HALF IRON MAN in Boulder Colorado!!!! Its on June 15th, 2014 and its my very first triathlon. The tri consists of a 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike ride, and a 13.1 mile run! For the exception of the swim, i have done the events individually. The trick is figuring out a training a plan that helps me combine them all together. Its a massive undertaking, but its something to look forward to and something to really work for. Not to mention how much stronger I am going to get and a chance to go to BOULDER! I found out about this whole thing from one of my favorite soul cycle instructors, Emily Turner. She has been so inspiring to me during my rooster classes! She is actually doing the tri with her brother and her father-so awesome!
A few more highlights for 2014 in addition to all of this madness...the Lululemon Seawheeze half marathon in Vancouver in August with one of my best friends Kate, More/Fitness Half Marathon, and Cycle for survival. Cycle for survival is a collaboration between Equinox and Memorial Sloane Kettering Cancer Center to raise money to beat Cancer. I missed it last year since i didn't know about it prior to the event but this year I cant wait! I will be riding on TEAM SHIPPER!
As you can see, I am going to be really busy and probably really tired! Over the past few weeks I realized that its more important for me on a personal level to really find focus and direction. I'm a planner and like to work towards things. Having goals is so important for me and helps me keep my head up on days when i doubt myself or my potential.
The past month and a half I would say has been been really busy and action packed. I moved into a new apartment, so between dealing with that and the holidays, its been a little crazy around here. Also my browser was giving me a hard time, but i fixed it!!
So to share some stellar news...I have made some big decisions for the up coming year. After watching the ING marathon in November I felt so inspired and like i was missing out. As a result, I joined New York Road Runners and plan to do the 9+1 program in 2014 to receive a guaranteed entry for 2015! I applied for the lottery to get in, but i wont know about that until March!
In the mean time, and most importantly i think, I am signing up for the HALF IRON MAN in Boulder Colorado!!!! Its on June 15th, 2014 and its my very first triathlon. The tri consists of a 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike ride, and a 13.1 mile run! For the exception of the swim, i have done the events individually. The trick is figuring out a training a plan that helps me combine them all together. Its a massive undertaking, but its something to look forward to and something to really work for. Not to mention how much stronger I am going to get and a chance to go to BOULDER! I found out about this whole thing from one of my favorite soul cycle instructors, Emily Turner. She has been so inspiring to me during my rooster classes! She is actually doing the tri with her brother and her father-so awesome!
A few more highlights for 2014 in addition to all of this madness...the Lululemon Seawheeze half marathon in Vancouver in August with one of my best friends Kate, More/Fitness Half Marathon, and Cycle for survival. Cycle for survival is a collaboration between Equinox and Memorial Sloane Kettering Cancer Center to raise money to beat Cancer. I missed it last year since i didn't know about it prior to the event but this year I cant wait! I will be riding on TEAM SHIPPER!
As you can see, I am going to be really busy and probably really tired! Over the past few weeks I realized that its more important for me on a personal level to really find focus and direction. I'm a planner and like to work towards things. Having goals is so important for me and helps me keep my head up on days when i doubt myself or my potential.
For this post I leave you with wise words spoken from Nelson Mandela who died on Thursday. He was such a powerful, inspirational force in this world and he lived a remarkable life. His words left me unbelievably inspired and i hope they do the same for you.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Friday, November 1, 2013
Hi there! Today is the first day of November. The leaves are changing color and starting to fall and we are nearing closer to the holiday season! I decided that I am officially going to put my 30 day squat challenge into place. Here we go!!
Day 1!!
Have a great weekend!
Friday, October 25, 2013
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Develop a signature family recipe
See a Broadway play
Get in the car and drive somewhere spontaneous
Take a mother/daughter trip abroad
Have a mother/daughter photo shoot
Bury a time capsule
Complete a physical challenge – climb a mountain, hike a trail, run/walk a marathon, etc.
Write a list of qualities that your daughter should look for in a man
Serve at a local shelter
Plan an outing for every holiday…pumpkin patch, Christmas tea, etc
Get a free make over at a department store
Plant a garden with your favorite flowers
Go to a weekend craft/art class
Make homemade ice cream
See your favorite sport team play live
Have a classic movie marathon
Go on a special shopping spree
Play in the rain
Redecorate your daughters room
Learn how to change a tire (hopefully not because you have a flat!)
Explore the local places you’ve never been
Get up early and watch the sunrise
See both your favorite bands together
Go shopping and try on outfits you would never think of purchasing
Have karaoke night
Update and paint a room in your house
Visit every local museum
Have a spa weekend- at home or out and about
Visit a big city for a weekend
Do something only your daughter has always wanted to do
Do something only your mom has always wanted to do
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Monday, October 21, 2013
Hi Everyone!
Sorry for the delay-this past week has been a little insane but in a good way! Trying to keep busy. This is the first opportunity I have had to give an update on my second half marathon in Staten Island! I have to be honest-this one was definitely tough. It had its rough patches like...
1. I thought that the course was going to be totally flat, but WOW was i wrong! It literally felt like a roller coaster with all of those hills. So that was definitely an interesting, and unexpected challenge.
2. My new outfit turned out to be a bit of an issue. My new soul cycle pants that i still love were falling down for the first 2 miles! On top of that, literally, my shirt was riding up! It was unreal. I was getting a little hysterical because i really didn't want to stop for anything. I thought it would be so ridiculous to stop a marathon because of my clothing!
2. My new outfit turned out to be a bit of an issue. My new soul cycle pants that i still love were falling down for the first 2 miles! On top of that, literally, my shirt was riding up! It was unreal. I was getting a little hysterical because i really didn't want to stop for anything. I thought it would be so ridiculous to stop a marathon because of my clothing!
3. I didn't train like i did for the first one. However, I have no regrets. I know that I did my best and the sun came out to become one of the most beautiful days. My parents were waiting for me at the finish line, I shaved a few minutes off my time, and I didn't stop once! It was a great! On to the next!
Perseverance is strength & strength brings confidence and love!
Hope you had a great Monday.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Saturday, October 12, 2013
As i prepare my race wear and my mental state for tomorrows half marathon, I am realizing that this time around feels a little emotional.
For my last half in April, i was doing it with friends so i was able to focus on that pre-race. We all went out to dinner and had trained together apart from all over
the US, but this time its just me!
I just had my whole wheat pasta dinner and got my outfit together, and that brings me to this post. Its going to be short and sweet, but I just want to dedicate tomorrow's race
to everyone in my life that has believed in me the whole way through. I never could have done anything thus far without the love, support, and belief that I can achieve what I have achieved and what I am on my way to achieve.
Tomorrow is about finishing and being proud. I will be wearing my new ROCKSTAR SoulCycle pants to represent all that I have received from SoulCycle in more ways than one and a pink ribbon in my hair for breast cancer awareness month-don't stop the fight!
I am finalizing my playlist now and then off to bed!!
Friday, October 11, 2013
Last night I attended Patirciafit which is located a block from FIT on 26th street between 6th and 7th. I had never heard of it, and really had no idea what to expect yet again. When I walked in the smiley energetic instructor instantly introduced herself. It happened to have been the Patricia of Patricia fit. I had signed up for the cardio lengthen and tone class and she was chatting us all up before the class began. She was so curious about other classes we had done and seemed genuinely interested in us. The studio was nothing fancy, but it was held in a dance studio where they usually practice for Broadway. The class was very similar to core fusion barre, but without the bar. Even though there were about 8 of us in the class, she made sure to give us each the attention we needed and fixed our form whenever necessary. I really enjoyed it and would most definitely return! She had an amazing welcoming energy.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Last night, I attended one of my Classtivity classes called Revolution in motion. For some reason, I really hadn't done much research on this studio. I basically looked at the pictures and signed up. SO when I got there it appeared everyone was there for the first time. I hadn't been feeling that great all day so to my relief it was not high intensity. The explanation of what this class actually offers is the following:
RIM‘s advanced exercise program empowers you to reach your highest level faster, safer, longer than any method available. This scientifically designed, tested and proven system lets you achieve peak performance with less effort, whether you are an elite athlete, weekend warrior or Monday morning quarterback.
The movements were slow and very calculated. You also have the opportunity to work your abs which is great because I neglect that most of the time in my own workouts. I'm glad I did this because my half marathon is on SUNDAY!!! However, I'm not sure I would rush back.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Friday, October 4, 2013
Hi Everyone!
So I have two classes to update you on before the weekend officially starts! Through my Classtivity passport I had signed up for Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 at Sacred Sounds yoga. I had never even heard of the studio, but as I walked up to the front door, they had a sign that said it was Lululemon Meatpacking's studio of the month. This to me was a very good sign! When I walked up to the second floor they asked that I take my shoes off before entering. It was so clean and quiet. It gave me a good feeling about what was to come. I entered the room and I could tell that the majority of the class were regulars. It turned out that it was and just me and another woman were new. The instructor was fantastic. She had asked the class if there were any requests, and one person had suggested focusing on the shoulders. The instructor then preceded for about 15 minutes discussing why its important to open up the shoulders and explained in detail about the specific muscles. Surprisingly, I was fascinated and a little relieved that someone finally explained to me why I am doing what I am doing.
Side note: Every time I have ever done yoga, I feel like I am going through the motions and cant wait until its over. I also partake in it from time to time when I feel like I need a good stretch.
This however, felt so different. I think that being surrounded by people that were so much better than me pushed me in a very different way. The instructor also makes all the difference, and she was so knowledgeable-I have never sweat like that in yoga! I would definitely go back. They also offer aerial yoga in which you hang from scarves that are attached to the ceiling. Dying to try that. Pink had done that when she was opening for Justin Timberlake on his Futuresex Lovesounds tour. It was pretty bad ass.
One more thing that I really loved about the studio may seem silly, but I loved the neighborhood. It was on Bleecker street and there is something to be said for where you end up after a class. I don't get to that area very often and it was so alive.
Now for my Tracy Anderson Method class. The only way to describe this would be YIKES.
The studio is on Hubert street in Tribeca which until yesterday I had literally never heard of. As I was walking there I saw a girl in Lululemon from head to toe and shiny Nikes so I had a feeling she was heading the same direction. So I followed her. I got there a little early and the guy who checked me in at the front desk told me that I would need 2 towels maybe more because turns out the room is heated!! I had no idea!!!!
I am also glad that I got there early because I was able to see the last 15 minutes of the dance cardio class. Everyone was dripping sweat like I had never seen before and their faces were beet red! and NO ONE was smiling. When we entered the room for the atTain Definition class,
I had approached the instructor to let her know it was my first class because again, everyone looked like a seasoned professional. The teacher literally laughed at me and said, "GOOD LUCK!!". SO I got nervous and then decided that I had to kick ass. And that's what I did. I am incredibly sore today but in a good way that I know it has to be working. You don't stop for even a second the entire class, and you do an insane amount of repetitions. We used free weights, mats, ankle weights, and our own body resistance. It was insane. I would most definitely go back, but don't expect anyone to talk to you!
So I have two classes to update you on before the weekend officially starts! Through my Classtivity passport I had signed up for Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 at Sacred Sounds yoga. I had never even heard of the studio, but as I walked up to the front door, they had a sign that said it was Lululemon Meatpacking's studio of the month. This to me was a very good sign! When I walked up to the second floor they asked that I take my shoes off before entering. It was so clean and quiet. It gave me a good feeling about what was to come. I entered the room and I could tell that the majority of the class were regulars. It turned out that it was and just me and another woman were new. The instructor was fantastic. She had asked the class if there were any requests, and one person had suggested focusing on the shoulders. The instructor then preceded for about 15 minutes discussing why its important to open up the shoulders and explained in detail about the specific muscles. Surprisingly, I was fascinated and a little relieved that someone finally explained to me why I am doing what I am doing.
Side note: Every time I have ever done yoga, I feel like I am going through the motions and cant wait until its over. I also partake in it from time to time when I feel like I need a good stretch.
This however, felt so different. I think that being surrounded by people that were so much better than me pushed me in a very different way. The instructor also makes all the difference, and she was so knowledgeable-I have never sweat like that in yoga! I would definitely go back. They also offer aerial yoga in which you hang from scarves that are attached to the ceiling. Dying to try that. Pink had done that when she was opening for Justin Timberlake on his Futuresex Lovesounds tour. It was pretty bad ass.
One more thing that I really loved about the studio may seem silly, but I loved the neighborhood. It was on Bleecker street and there is something to be said for where you end up after a class. I don't get to that area very often and it was so alive.
Now for my Tracy Anderson Method class. The only way to describe this would be YIKES.
The studio is on Hubert street in Tribeca which until yesterday I had literally never heard of. As I was walking there I saw a girl in Lululemon from head to toe and shiny Nikes so I had a feeling she was heading the same direction. So I followed her. I got there a little early and the guy who checked me in at the front desk told me that I would need 2 towels maybe more because turns out the room is heated!! I had no idea!!!!
I am also glad that I got there early because I was able to see the last 15 minutes of the dance cardio class. Everyone was dripping sweat like I had never seen before and their faces were beet red! and NO ONE was smiling. When we entered the room for the atTain Definition class,
I had approached the instructor to let her know it was my first class because again, everyone looked like a seasoned professional. The teacher literally laughed at me and said, "GOOD LUCK!!". SO I got nervous and then decided that I had to kick ass. And that's what I did. I am incredibly sore today but in a good way that I know it has to be working. You don't stop for even a second the entire class, and you do an insane amount of repetitions. We used free weights, mats, ankle weights, and our own body resistance. It was insane. I would most definitely go back, but don't expect anyone to talk to you!
Thats my update!! Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
"Solutionism is the new Optimism." I saw it as an ad for a household cleaning product on the side of a taxi in London and it completely changed my outlook on my future. You can't sit back and hope that the pieces of your life will just come together one day. You have to be the one to put the pieces in motion to make it all happen."
I really wanted to share this quote for two reasons,
1) You never know where your inspiration will come from so pay attention!
2) I have been trying to tell my self this everyday. You can't wait for things to just happen or fall in to your lap-you have to make your life happen for YOU.
I really wanted to share this quote for two reasons,
1) You never know where your inspiration will come from so pay attention!
2) I have been trying to tell my self this everyday. You can't wait for things to just happen or fall in to your lap-you have to make your life happen for YOU.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Friday, September 27, 2013
Today, I embarked on a very interesting class called AQUA CYCLE. I brought my friend Adrianna with me and the brilliant jewelry designer behind HADRIANYC. I am so glad she came with me-I cant imagine doing this particular class on my own!
This was a very different experience than your typical spin class. Why you ask? well... the bikes are completely submerged in a 4 foot pool in the basement of the impressively large TriBeCa
studio on Franklin street. I had gotten there a few minutes before the class had started and the instructor helped us set up the bikes. They give you water shoes that
are an absolute must when riding. One thing I have to say about the instructor was that she wasn't overly warm or inviting. The entire class was all new people, probably about 8 of us
participating in the class, and she didn't explain very much. The feeling I got from the overall demeanor of the class was just to get a workout and not much emotional or spiritual
feeling. I suppose that's fine since there are many places that provide that in addition to the workout, but in terms of instruction there was a major disconnect. Pedaling is very awkward at the
beginning of the class because you are trying to acclimate yourself to the bike in the water and the resistance is odd. She never mentioned anything about form or the muscles you should be feeling.
I didn't get much from her I suppose. Not to say all instructors are like that, I'm really not sure. I just feel like they could have worked at since everyone was new. The music was also extremely dated and there were some awkward silences. On top of everything the chlorine was burning our eyes!!
This was a very different experience than your typical spin class. Why you ask? well... the bikes are completely submerged in a 4 foot pool in the basement of the impressively large TriBeCa
studio on Franklin street. I had gotten there a few minutes before the class had started and the instructor helped us set up the bikes. They give you water shoes that
are an absolute must when riding. One thing I have to say about the instructor was that she wasn't overly warm or inviting. The entire class was all new people, probably about 8 of us
participating in the class, and she didn't explain very much. The feeling I got from the overall demeanor of the class was just to get a workout and not much emotional or spiritual
feeling. I suppose that's fine since there are many places that provide that in addition to the workout, but in terms of instruction there was a major disconnect. Pedaling is very awkward at the
beginning of the class because you are trying to acclimate yourself to the bike in the water and the resistance is odd. She never mentioned anything about form or the muscles you should be feeling.
I didn't get much from her I suppose. Not to say all instructors are like that, I'm really not sure. I just feel like they could have worked at since everyone was new. The music was also extremely dated and there were some awkward silences. On top of everything the chlorine was burning our eyes!!
I suppose I didn't give this a rave review, but I am so glad i tried it because my legs feel like jello and I have been unbelievably curious. On the plus side we had an awesome after class rendez vous. We decided to put off our day just a little longer by walking through the rarely quiet and sunny Soho to Melvin's juice box for green juice! Then we were still hungry so we ended up at a whole in the wall delight called LOCAL on Sullivan street for avocado toast and iced tea!
I'm officially obsessed. Happy Friday everyone!!
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Today was the second class I participated in thanks to my Classtivity passport. The studio/class is called the Nalini method. I had looked it up briefly before booking, but the class had gotten great press and seemed to be very effective so I figured why not? I went this morning at 7:00 am which was great in one aspect because I got it over with for the day, but the studio is on 68th and Columbus avenue which is completely out of the way from my apartment. I now know that if I have a class on the west side, better to do it after work as opposed to the morning.
The class was very similar to exhale core fusion barre. I have gone to a few of those classes so I was prepared in that way...or so I thought. The class moves at a very fast pace, and the instructor knows everyone's name and calls you out on your form, speed, posture, etc... the entire class. She calls everyone out in a productive way that will only help you improve so I didn't mind that as much as I usually do. There were a lot of small movements that burned every muscle in my arms, legs, butt! You also have to use free weights, blocks and ankle weights that you use on both your wrists and ankles. That was really different. I liked that part!
I am extremely sore and its only 10:15 in the morning. Tomorrow will be interesting and I have AQUA cycle in the morning! I would suggest the Nalini method to anyone that wants to mix things up, however I don't know If I would rush back since its pretty far from me.
Monday, September 23, 2013
This past weekend was quite eventful to say the least. I celebrated my birthday at Soul Cycle union square with my friends and then completed the weekend with my Run10Feed10 10K race. Both events came with their own challenges, and I think that I feel most proud of myself for overcoming these challenges.
I took Jolie's class, and her class is really difficult. You have to be 100% on your game in her class. The studio randomly moved me up to the front row, and instead of calling and disputing it I accepted it as a great fear to overcome. Turns out I got such a rush in the front row and probably had one of my best classes/workouts ever. I think the fact that my friends were there supporting me really helped.
As for my race, I felt completely pumped up and significantly more confidant than the year before. I think it was comforting to know what to expect. However, anytime I start a run no matter how far I plan to go whether its 1 mile or 10 miles I find that the first steps are the most difficult. Then I realized around mile 4 yesterday, that I had to share this thought in my blog. (that's also where I feel I finally found my stride!) This feeling of being worried to start related to everything in life. ?Yesterday, the thoughts going through my mind throughout the entire first mile was, "what the hell was I thinking?!" I started off in the front his time around with people that run 7 minute miles. To my benefit believe it or not I ran my fastest mile ever because subconsciously I was trying to keep up. Then I had to really focus on finding my pace. But, it never fails that those first few steps and miles are always a challenge for me.
I'm most definitely at a point in my life where I want to start new things! Whether its knitting a fisherman sweater project that I have been dying to start or the French classes I have been dying to take to learn the language and meet new people, its all about the START and overcoming the dread and worry.
I also learned how lucky I was that my friends and family committed to being there for me this weekend. This was not an easy venture signing up for that particular time slot at soul and they made a point of doing there best. And of course my parents were at the finish line cheering me on as always!
I am so thankful!
Friday, September 20, 2013
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
I am trying something a little different. I took the plunge and canceled my gym membership last week! It was really difficult because I was really comfortable there. It was a block from my apartment and I was a member for 4 years!
So why exactly did I do it?
I realized that I wasn't using the gym to its full potential like I used too. I used to take classes at my gym, but I have been taking these amazing classes other places and paying additional money, therefore wasting my membership. When I got back from vacation I decided that I wanted to kick myself into high gear and try to lose a certain amount of weight by Thanksgiving! So I set the goal and gathered up the classes that I received for my birthday. On the days that I don't have a class I am going to do my best to run, especially since I am in the process of training for my 10K which is this SUNDAY and my half marathon. Once I have completed my half marathon, then I will most likely join Blink fitness which is a great no fuss gym owned by equinox a few blocks from my place and its only $20 a month.
So what I would like to do is review the classes as I take them in case you have been thinking about trying anything new. There are these really great sites that combine all of these boutique class venues on to one site and allow you to try different things for great prices! I use Fitist and Classtivity. I think this will help me remember what I have done and keep me on track. Eyes on the prize!
Today, 6:30am, I used my 30 day classtivity passport at Uplift. I honestly had no idea what to expect. I really enjoyed the class because we did tabata's and circuits that I rarely like to do on my own. It helped to have the energetic teacher push me and guide me through the motions. There were probably about 8 other people in the class, and I found the intimate small setting highly beneficial. Especially for things such as planks where I usually feel like my back is straight as a board, but when she told me to lower about another inch or so it made all the difference in the world. The class was also a mix of strength training with free weights and my own body resistance and cardio. I would most definitely recommend this class.
After the class, I received an email from the studio to receive 10% of a 5, 10, or 20 class package. So awesome. I think I am pretty good on classes for the moment, but what a great perk.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
I think it's a well known fact that living in New York City can be quite expensive. Its pretty difficult to not spend any money every single day!!! Even going to the movies costs at least $13! I found this really great link on 94 creative ways to save money.
Even if you don't live in New York City, most of the tips are pretty helpful. Happy Saving!
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Hi Everyone!!!
Below this descripition is a link that I hope you can all find the time to like, share, vote, etc... to help me become Jauntaroo's Chief world EXPLORER. This is pretty much my dream job if ever there was a way to describe it. Now please forgive me as my video is pretty scary! Haha- It was the first one I have EVER done and I think that may be pretty obvious! However, I mean every single thing that i shared in that video and I would really love a shot at this. I really appreciate your support! Thank you so much!
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Hi Everyone!!
I am officially back from a much needed vacation with my family away from the city. I just got back this week and still seem to be getting into the swing of things-this is really my first chance to post!
My vacation began in Seattle to visit my brother. We had such a great time and stayed extremely busy the entire time. The city is incredibly green and organic- I was in heaven! We did some sightseeing such as Pikes Market, Nordstrom/downtown, The Space Needle, the Chihuly glass and garden exhibition and so on. I even got a chance to work out with my brothers trainer so I didn't fall behind on anything.
We then met our parents in Arizona to visit my grandpa for Rosh Hashanah. Eric and I had brought a king salmon fresh from Pikes Market that my mom had made perfectly for the holiday. This year we had a Mediterranean style holiday which could not have been more perfect considering how hot it was in Arizona.
Arizona was so nice because we are all able to completely relax, and most of all we are all so lucky to enjoy each others company. We also wanted to take full advantage of having Eric there considering he is so far away. It was also my birthday on September 8th! My mom made me a birthday cake made completely of watermelon!!!! I am officially old and it feels different for sure. 25 always seemed old to me-but I am doing my best to embrace it. I was most definitely spoiled this time around and feel really lucky. I think the most exciting part about my trip was that I conquered Camelback Mountain! I have been wanting to climb it since I'm little but never had the chance. I also heard how challenging it was so I had always been a little nervous as well. The day before my birthday I made it all the way to top! Not only was that on my bucket list, but it was a reminder of how far I have come and how far I am able to go! so incredible!
Now that I am back, I have hit the ground running. I have altered my diet slightly to hopefully move things along and have started to schedule all of my classes and such. My goal is Thanksgiving so I'm working extra super duper hard for the next 11 weeks. I have my 10K and half marathon approaching at rapid speeds, so I have those to focus on as well. I'm using my workouts as a focal point at the moment which I think should be helpful!
Hope you are having a fantastic Thursday and just think-tomorrow is FRIDAY! You're almost there!
I am officially back from a much needed vacation with my family away from the city. I just got back this week and still seem to be getting into the swing of things-this is really my first chance to post!
My vacation began in Seattle to visit my brother. We had such a great time and stayed extremely busy the entire time. The city is incredibly green and organic- I was in heaven! We did some sightseeing such as Pikes Market, Nordstrom/downtown, The Space Needle, the Chihuly glass and garden exhibition and so on. I even got a chance to work out with my brothers trainer so I didn't fall behind on anything.
Throwing the fish at Pikes
Arizona was so nice because we are all able to completely relax, and most of all we are all so lucky to enjoy each others company. We also wanted to take full advantage of having Eric there considering he is so far away. It was also my birthday on September 8th! My mom made me a birthday cake made completely of watermelon!!!! I am officially old and it feels different for sure. 25 always seemed old to me-but I am doing my best to embrace it. I was most definitely spoiled this time around and feel really lucky. I think the most exciting part about my trip was that I conquered Camelback Mountain! I have been wanting to climb it since I'm little but never had the chance. I also heard how challenging it was so I had always been a little nervous as well. The day before my birthday I made it all the way to top! Not only was that on my bucket list, but it was a reminder of how far I have come and how far I am able to go! so incredible!
Now that I am back, I have hit the ground running. I have altered my diet slightly to hopefully move things along and have started to schedule all of my classes and such. My goal is Thanksgiving so I'm working extra super duper hard for the next 11 weeks. I have my 10K and half marathon approaching at rapid speeds, so I have those to focus on as well. I'm using my workouts as a focal point at the moment which I think should be helpful!
Hope you are having a fantastic Thursday and just think-tomorrow is FRIDAY! You're almost there!
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
This quote could not have popped up at a better time!
I have been having several moments lately of self doubt and frustration.
Being patient is not exactly easy for me, or anyone I think. So when I finally realized that I have to accept the process for being slow-I remind myself that I am doing it right and healthy.
This morning I did Barry's Bootcamp. I throw it into the mix here and there to change things up and shock the body. I always feel awesome when its over, but not so awesome during. I was mentally battling myself when I woke up this morning, because I REALLY didn't want to go. But, Courtney Paul at Barry's Bootcamp Tribeca really motivated me, and somehow made me believe I could do way more than I thought I could, especially this morning. Plus, I have really had to push my self to train for the half marathon.
When you have a moment of self doubt or frustration, remember the quote above and take pride in all that you have accomplished thus far. For that is truly something to be proud of!!
Also, take pride in knowing how much more you are capable of accomplishing!
Have a great day!
Monday, August 19, 2013
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
I came across this story on the SoulCycle blog this morning, and I am just blown away. There is always room to grow and improve and this story shows you just how much. PLEASE CLICK THE LINK AND READ:
" It always seems impossible until it's done"
Friday, August 9, 2013
When traveling, whether its on the bus to work, in the car or on a plane, its important to be prepared. Most people tend to laugh at me, because I always have snacks at my desk or a perfectly portioned Ziploc in my purse in which I respond "you have to!"
Being prepared with the right snacks helps fuel you the right way and prevents you from eating the wrong things in times of need.
In preparation for my travels to Columbus, Ohio for my Pelotonia 50 mile bike race, I made sure to hit the grocery store the morning of my flight and stock up! I got enough for the entire weekend!
Being prepared with the right snacks helps fuel you the right way and prevents you from eating the wrong things in times of need.
In preparation for my travels to Columbus, Ohio for my Pelotonia 50 mile bike race, I made sure to hit the grocery store the morning of my flight and stock up! I got enough for the entire weekend!
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Thursday, August 1, 2013
If I learned anything from the eventful past week and a half its that you should NEVER take anything for granted. I'm not sure if I have mentioned it before, but I am amazingly close with my family. I have realized over time that I am extremely lucky and blessed to have this relationship. So when my dad had to be rushed to the hospital last week for what we thought was a heart attack (turned out not to be thank goodness!!) everything in this crazy chaos felt as if it went freakishly silent. Nothing else was relevant or mattered.
Very long story short, he is doing worlds better and got great care from truly amazing people at ROBERT WOOD JOHNSON HOSPITAL.
On a side note-if you have ever seen that bumper sticker "hug a nurse today" please please please DO!! They are truly something else.
So today, as I am slowly filtering back into reality, I was thinking about how I shouldn't waste a moment of my life thinking what if. Every single second is precious, and as I work towards bettering myself through and through-both physically and mentally-I am taking part in the following that I will dedicate to my superhero of a dad, my angel of a mother, my incredibly strong and hilarious brother and to all of you.
Everyday, every moment, and every second is a gift. So treasure it and use it responsibly.
Very long story short, he is doing worlds better and got great care from truly amazing people at ROBERT WOOD JOHNSON HOSPITAL.
On a side note-if you have ever seen that bumper sticker "hug a nurse today" please please please DO!! They are truly something else.
So today, as I am slowly filtering back into reality, I was thinking about how I shouldn't waste a moment of my life thinking what if. Every single second is precious, and as I work towards bettering myself through and through-both physically and mentally-I am taking part in the following that I will dedicate to my superhero of a dad, my angel of a mother, my incredibly strong and hilarious brother and to all of you.
Everyday, every moment, and every second is a gift. So treasure it and use it responsibly.
Let the countdown begin...
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Hi Everyone!!
So here is my shpeal...
We all know someone who has been affected by cancer. I know I have-in fact its all too familiar in my family. One of every two American men and one of every three American women will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives. By supporting Pelotonia, and me, you will help improve lives through innovative research with the ultimate goal of winning the war against cancer. I would love to have your support, as this is truly a unique opportunity to be a part of something special.
I have decided to be a leader in the community by participating in Pelotonia. Pelotonia is a grassroots bike tour with one goal: to end cancer. In 2012, Pelotonia was one of the largest cycling events in the country in terms of participation with 6,212 Riders coming from 42 states and 3 countries. Additionally, Pelotonia had 3,144 Virtual Riders and 2,103 registered Volunteers. Pelotonia 12 raised $16.9 million, bringing Pelotonia's 4-year total to $42.2 million for cancer research.
The Pelotonia 13 experience will occur on AUGUST 9-11, 2013 with the ride spanning two days and covering as many as 180 miles. Because operational expenses are covered by Pelotonia funding partners, 100% of every dollar raised is donated directly to life-saving cancer research at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center-James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institute.
I am writing to ask you to help me raise funds for this incredible event. Large or small, every donation makes a difference.
When you follow the link below, you will find my personal Rider profile and a simple and secure way to make any size donation you wish.
Think of this as a donation not to me, or Pelotonia, but directly to The OSUCCC-James to fund cancer research. Please consider supporting my effort and this great cause. My Rider profile can be found at the following link:
Thank you for the support!
Alexandra Shipper
So here is my shpeal...
We all know someone who has been affected by cancer. I know I have-in fact its all too familiar in my family. One of every two American men and one of every three American women will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives. By supporting Pelotonia, and me, you will help improve lives through innovative research with the ultimate goal of winning the war against cancer. I would love to have your support, as this is truly a unique opportunity to be a part of something special.
I have decided to be a leader in the community by participating in Pelotonia. Pelotonia is a grassroots bike tour with one goal: to end cancer. In 2012, Pelotonia was one of the largest cycling events in the country in terms of participation with 6,212 Riders coming from 42 states and 3 countries. Additionally, Pelotonia had 3,144 Virtual Riders and 2,103 registered Volunteers. Pelotonia 12 raised $16.9 million, bringing Pelotonia's 4-year total to $42.2 million for cancer research.
The Pelotonia 13 experience will occur on AUGUST 9-11, 2013 with the ride spanning two days and covering as many as 180 miles. Because operational expenses are covered by Pelotonia funding partners, 100% of every dollar raised is donated directly to life-saving cancer research at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center-James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institute.
I am writing to ask you to help me raise funds for this incredible event. Large or small, every donation makes a difference.
When you follow the link below, you will find my personal Rider profile and a simple and secure way to make any size donation you wish.
Think of this as a donation not to me, or Pelotonia, but directly to The OSUCCC-James to fund cancer research. Please consider supporting my effort and this great cause. My Rider profile can be found at the following link:
Thank you for the support!
Alexandra Shipper
Friday, July 12, 2013
"I’ve been in love with love
And the idea of something, binding us together
You know that love is strong enough,
I’ve seen time tell tales about that systematic drug,
Yeah that heart that beats as one
It’s collectively
Unconsciously composed"
And the idea of something, binding us together
You know that love is strong enough,
I’ve seen time tell tales about that systematic drug,
Yeah that heart that beats as one
It’s collectively
Unconsciously composed"
Have a wonderful weekend
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Friday, June 28, 2013
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Friday, June 21, 2013
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
This is just amazing-the video and the lyrics.
The guy in the library completely made my
Be as Brave as you can possibly be today
and everyday-have purpose.
Friday, June 7, 2013
walk a little taller.
laugh a little harder.
smile like you mean it.
spread your wings and believe...
laugh a little harder.
smile like you mean it.
spread your wings and believe...
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